Here's a demo painting I did in class last week. Well, I got part of it done in class and finished it in my studio. It's getting pretty crazy in my Monday class now that everyone's coming back for the season but there are still some slots open - both Zoom and in person (if you live here in south Florida). Call Deedee at North Port Art Center and sign up! 941-423-6460 We'd love to have you join us, every Monday from 1-4pm Eastern.
Our reference photo was a bit darker than this and some students wanted to make their blueberries brighter blue so I wanted to demonstrate how to do that we first need to "turn up the lights" so to speak in the room before we can add a bit of color and brightness to the blueberries. Otherwise it would look weird and fake. By darkening the corners and edges of the canvas (ala Rembrandt) we keep the moodiness and classical look of the original setup.
This one is also available for purchase here. Hope we see you in class!